William Harald-Wong
Founder • Chairman
Founding Associate
Asia Laos
Praseuth Banchongphakdy studied and practiced design in Sydney, Australia, prior to returning to Laos in 1994. Two years later in 1996, he established BlueGrass, the first design communication agency in Laos.
Over the past 25 years, Praseuth has worked with most of the government agencies, NGOs and major private corporations in Laos, and has supported the design needs for major international events in Laos such as ASEM9 and two ASEAN Summits in 2004 and 2016.
In 2000, he became the first Lao designer to represent his country at an International Council of Graphic Design Association (ICOGRADA) design congress in Oullim, South Korea.
As a pioneer in the industry in Laos, Praseuth is passionate about supporting the development of younger talent in Laos, including upcoming font developers, and features their fonts in many of the projects he works on. It is his dream to eventually develop a formal school of design to help train the next generation of designers in Laos.
Founder • Chairman